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  Name: Merk Investments LLC
  City: San Francisco
  State: CA
  Zip: 94104
Achive data
  View Filing Period:
Portfolio Summary View Filing
  Filing Report Date : 2024-06-30
  Total Value : $89,650,000
  Total Value Change : $8,000
  Securities Held Change : -1
All Securities Held : 12
  New Positions : 0
  Closed Positions : 2
  Increased Positions : 2
  Unchanged Positions : 9
  Decreased Positions : 1

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Holdings Found : 14     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  ALL     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (ORLA)1 Year Chart         ORLA Orla Mining Ord Shs 1 - $0.00 $23,808,000 6,200,000 26.56% 310,000 0 2.708    N/A
   (AGI)1 Year Chart         AGI Alamos Gold Inc 2 - $20.20 $15,680,000 1,000,000 17.49% 930,000 0 0.255    Gold
   (ABX)1 Year Chart         ABX Barrick Gold Corp (USA) 3 - $20.06 $10,842,000 650,000 12.09% 26,000 0 0.037    Gold
   (AEM)1 Year Chart         AEM Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd (USA) 4 - $81.29 $10,791,000 165,000 12.04% 949,000 0 0.036    Gold
   (GFI)1 Year Chart         GFI Gold Fields Limited (ADR) 5 - $14.37 $8,940,000 600,000 9.97% -594,000 0 0.068    Gold
   (AU)1 Year Chart         AU AngloGold Ashanti Limited (... 6 - $27.27 $6,911,000 275,000 7.71% 806,000 0 0.066    Gold
   (BTG)1 Year Chart         BTG B2gold Corp. 7 - $3.26 $5,400,000 2,000,000 6.02% 180,000 0 0.19    N/A
   (ITRG)1 Year Chart         ITRG Integra Resources Corp. 8 - $0.92 $4,147,000 4,487,472 4.63% 961,000 0 6.524    N/A
   (MTA)1 Year Chart         MTA Metalla Royalty And Streami... 9 - $3.11 $1,251,000 450,000 1.4% 628,000 250,000 1.148    N/A
   (PPTA)1 Year Chart         PPTA Perpetua Resources 10 - $8.57 $798,000 153,484 0.89% -159,000 -76,499 0.323    N/A
   (USAS)1 Year Chart         USAS Americas Gold And Silver 11 - $3.05 $660,000 2,701,028 0.74% 69,000 0 3.269    N/A
   (OUNZ)1 Year Chart         OUNZ Van Eck Merk Gold Trust 12 - $0.00 $422,000 18,800 0.47% 422,000 18,800 0.083    N/A
   (SKE)1 Year Chart         SKE Skeena Resources Ord Shs 14 Closed $0.00 $0 0 0% -3,234,000 -700,000 0    N/A
   (SBSW)1 Year Chart         SBSW Sibanye Stillwater Limited 13 Closed $4.13 $0 0 0% -1,286,000 -273,043 0    Gold

      14 Records Found
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