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Special Projects and Outsourcing 

Why choose us to fill you needs? We specializing in the extraction, packaging and distribution of financial information. As your company grows, your needs will change and grow, your need for outsourcing and additional services may grow. By starting a relationship with J3, we can learn and help you to expand your business with a service that is cost-effective, accurate, scalable, portable and timely.

Quality Quality of service and information is paramount at J3. We research, extract, package and delivery information while two quality control managers working independently oversee the projects.
Expertise Every aspect from research to delivery is held on location. Collectively our team has the combined knowledge to meet almost any client demand.
Timeliness Tardiness occurs when a company either underestimates a project, can not overcome unexpected obstacles quickly, or just to eager to make a sale. We pride ourselves in giving responsible deadlines we can make. If a deadline is provided for us, then we will either meet the deadline or cede the job to someone who can.

Pricing   Please contact us to discuss your company's needs.

Special Projects and Outsourcing
Telephone: +1 800 528 8239