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  Name: Altium Capital Management LP
  City: New York
  State: NY
  Zip: 10019
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  View Filing Period:
Portfolio Summary View Filing
  Filing Report Date : 2024-06-30
  Total Value : $242,115,000
  Total Value Change : $18,196,000
  Securities Held Change : -4
All Securities Held : 64
  New Positions : 15
  Closed Positions : 18
  Increased Positions : 13
  Unchanged Positions : 23
  Decreased Positions : 13

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Holdings Found : 18     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  Closed Positions     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (AQST)1 Year Chart         AQST Aquestive Therapeutics, Inc. 79 Closed $4.95 $0 0 0% -2,833,000 -665,000 0    N/A
   (RACYW)1 Year Chart         RACYW Relativity Acquisition Equi... 66 Closed $0.00 $0 0 0% 0 -100,000 0    N/A
   (AZTR)1 Year Chart         AZTR Azitra Inc 72 Closed $0.00 $0 0 0% -101,000 -493,153 0    N/A
   (ALPN)1 Year Chart         ALPN Alpine Immune Sciences Inc 78 Closed $64.97 $0 0 0% -3,086,000 -77,848 0    N/A
   (RYTM)1 Year Chart         RYTM Rhythm Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 65 Closed $53.64 $0 0 0% -2,482,000 -57,271 0    N/A
   (ATXS)1 Year Chart         ATXS Astria Therapeutics, Inc 71 Closed $11.61 $0 0 0% -2,006,000 -142,532 0    N/A
   (MRNS)1 Year Chart         MRNS Marinus Pharmaceuticals Inc 77 Closed $1.51 $0 0 0% -1,599,000 -176,840 0    N/A
   (LBPH)1 Year Chart         LBPH Longboard Pharmaceuticals, ... 64 Closed $0.00 $0 0 0% -3,672,000 -170,000 0    N/A
   (TRML)1 Year Chart         TRML Tourmaline Bio 70 Closed $0.00 $0 0 0% -1,499,000 -65,442 0    N/A
   (MIRM)1 Year Chart         MIRM Mirum Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 76 Closed $0.00 $0 0 0% -5,225,000 -208,000 0    N/A
   (MBTCR)1 Year Chart         MBTCR Nocturne Acquisition Rights 63 Closed $0.00 $0 0 0% -82,000 -500,000 0    N/A
   (GRI)1 Year Chart         GRI Gri Bio Ord Shs 69 Closed $0.00 $0 0 0% -143,000 -187,981 0    N/A
   (MOB)1 Year Chart         MOB Mobilicom American Deposita... 75 Closed $0.00 $0 0 0% -161,000 -135,292 0    N/A
   (BHVN)1 Year Chart         BHVN Biohaven Ltd. 62 Closed $39.40 $0 0 0% -7,657,000 -140,000 0    N/A
   (OLMA)1 Year Chart         OLMA Olema Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 68 Closed $0.00 $0 0 0% -6,849,000 -605,000 0    N/A
   (NGNE)1 Year Chart         NGNE Neurogene 74 Closed $3.68 $0 0 0% -5,090,000 -100,000 0    N/A
   (PRAX)1 Year Chart         PRAX Praxis Precision Medicines,... 67 Closed $0.00 $0 0 0% -4,766,000 -78,100 0    N/A
   (BRSHW)1 Year Chart         BRSHW Bruush Oral Care Equity War... 73 Closed $0.00 $0 0 0% 0 -14,423 0    N/A

      18 Records Found
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