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  Filing Report Date : 2020-12-31
  Total Value : $615,136,000
  Total Value Change : $-257,370,000
  Securities Held Change : -6
All Securities Held : 21
  New Positions : 0
  Closed Positions : 6
  Increased Positions : 0
  Unchanged Positions : 0
  Decreased Positions : 21

                  Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Financials Health Care Industrials Information Technology Basic Materials Conglomerates Energy Utilities
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Holdings Found : 27     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  ALL     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (NEM)1 Year Chart         NEM Newmont Mining Corp 1 - $53.06 $101,312,000 1,691,640 16.47% -8,578,000 -40,273 0.211    Gold
   (BRK.B)1 Year Chart         BRK.B Berkshire Hathaway B 2 - $456.60 $82,468,000 355,666 13.41% -20,684,000 -128,753 0.025    Property & Casualty I...
   (LKQ)1 Year Chart         LKQ LKQ Corp 3 - $40.77 $71,147,000 2,018,923 11.57% -5,017,000 -727,688 0.663    Auto Parts Wholesale
   (BRK.A)1 Year Chart         BRK.A Berkshire Hathaway Inc 4 - $686,859.00 $60,868,000 175 9.9% -15,932,000 -65 0.027    Property & Casualty I...
   (WU)1 Year Chart         WU Western Union Co 5 - $11.90 $52,674,000 2,400,834 8.56% -15,036,000 -758,767 0.49    Personal Services
   (WFC)1 Year Chart         WFC Wells Fargo & Co 6 - $54.26 $44,128,000 1,462,162 7.17% -11,127,000 -888,098 0.035    Domestic Money Center...
   (ATGE)1 Year Chart         ATGE Adtalem Global Education Inc 7 - $73.57 $37,750,000 1,111,934 6.14% -17,320,000 -1,132,138 2.135    Education & Training ...
   (ABX)1 Year Chart         ABX Barrick Gold Corp (USA) 8 - $20.06 $22,672,000 995,262 3.69% -5,837,000 -18,938 0.056    Gold
   (CDK)1 Year Chart         CDK CDK Global Holdings Llc 9 - $54.76 $21,855,000 421,669 3.55% -3,133,000 -151,589 0.347    N/A
   (SINA)1 Year Chart         SINA SINA Corporation 10 - $43.26 $21,827,000 515,029 3.55% -7,447,000 -172,001 0.862    Internet Software & S...
   (BIDU)1 Year Chart         BIDU Baidu Inc 11 - $84.67 $19,521,000 90,273 3.17% 4,489,000 -28,473 0.033    Internet Service Prov...
   (MA)1 Year Chart         MA MasterCard Inc A 12 - $494.76 $16,878,000 47,285 2.74% -4,807,000 -16,840 0.005    Business Services
   (GOOGL)1 Year Chart         GOOGL Alphabet Inc 13 - $159.81 $13,918,000 7,941 2.26% -13,294,000 -10,626 0    Search Engines & Info...
   (IAU)1 Year Chart         IAU iShares COMEX Gold Trust 14 - $48.15 $6,858,000 378,279 2.23% -42,508,000 -1,184,373 0.042    Closed - End Fund - E...
   (AXP)1 Year Chart         AXP American Express Co 15 - $262.18 $9,088,000 75,161 1.48% -1,109,000 -26,556 0.009    Credit Services
   (SKX)1 Year Chart         SKX Skechers USA Inc 16 - $68.11 $8,613,000 239,646 1.4% -6,105,000 -247,397 0.177    Textile - Apparel Foo...
   (FLS)1 Year Chart         FLS Flowserve Corp 17 - $46.86 $7,748,000 210,261 1.26% 53,000 -71,713 0.162    Diversified Machinery
   (QRTEB)1 Year Chart         QRTEB Qurate Retail Inc 18 - $0.56 $4,287,000 390,753 0.7% 461,000 -142,129 0.101    Entertainment - Diver...
   (LOMA)1 Year Chart         LOMA Loma Negra Compania Industr... 19 - $8.73 $3,034,000 493,401 0.49% -798,000 -395,581 0.414    N/A
   (ATRO)1 Year Chart         ATRO Astronics Corp 20 - $19.98 $1,245,000 94,125 0.2% -11,590,000 -1,568,469 0.306    Packaging & Containers
   (FENG)1 Year Chart         FENG Phoenix New Media Ltd Spon Ads 21 - $0.45 $387,000 322,657 0.06% -1,693,000 -1,368,746 0.443    Internet Software & S...
   (SLB)1 Year Chart         SLB Schlumberger Ltd 23 Closed $41.42 $0 0 0% -4,669,000 -300,046 0    Oil & Gas Equipment &...
   (CVX)1 Year Chart         CVX Chevron Corp 22 Closed $143.96 $0 0 0% -23,771,000 -330,154 0    Integrated Oil & Gas
   (GOOG)1 Year Chart         GOOG Alphabet Inc 27 Closed $160.81 $0 0 0% -25,092,000 -17,074 0    Search Engines & Info...
   (UEPS)1 Year Chart         UEPS Net 1 Ueps Technologies Inc 24 Closed $4.55 $0 0 0% -2,691,000 -798,561 0    Business Services
   (CRTO)1 Year Chart         CRTO Criteo Sa 26 Closed $42.35 $0 0 0% -4,592,000 -376,719 0    Internet Service Prov...
   (TPR)1 Year Chart         TPR Tapestry Inc 25 Closed $43.13 $0 0 0% -9,543,000 -610,573 0    Textile - Apparel Foo...

      27 Records Found
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