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  City: TOKYO
  State: M0
  Zip: 1008420
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  View Filing Period:
Portfolio Summary View Filing
  Filing Report Date : 2024-06-30
  Total Value : $3,502,005,000
  Total Value Change : $161,492,000
  Securities Held Change : -8
All Securities Held : 542
  New Positions : 6
  Closed Positions : 14
  Increased Positions : 393
  Unchanged Positions : 2
  Decreased Positions : 141

                  Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Financials Health Care Industrials Information Technology Basic Materials Conglomerates Energy Utilities
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Holdings Found : 14     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  Closed Positions     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (MDB)1 Year Chart         MDB Mongodb Inc 550 Closed $280.11 $0 0 0% -221,000 -615 0    N/A
   (BIO)1 Year Chart         BIO Bio Rad Laboratories Inc 556 Closed $340.45 $0 0 0% -240,000 -693 0    Scientific & Technica...
   (DHC)1 Year Chart         DHC Diversified Healthcare Trust 543 Closed $3.74 $0 0 0% -25,000 -10,276 0    REIT - Hotel/Motel
   (AIRC)1 Year Chart         AIRC Apartment Income Reit Corp. 549 Closed $39.08 $0 0 0% -223,000 -6,861 0    N/A
   (PXD)1 Year Chart         PXD Pioneer Natural Resources Co 555 Closed $275.32 $0 0 0% -2,284,000 -8,702 0    Independent Oil & Gas
   (VFC)1 Year Chart         VFC VF Corp 548 Closed $19.11 $0 0 0% -179,000 -11,667 0    Textile - Apparel Clo...
   (MAC)1 Year Chart         MAC Macerich Co 554 Closed $16.76 $0 0 0% -177,000 -10,256 0    REIT - Retail
   (PHEC)1 Year Chart         PHEC Phillips Edison & Company, Inc 547 Closed $36.00 $0 0 0% -208,000 -5,794 0    N/A
   (XRAY)1 Year Chart         XRAY DENTSPLY International 553 Closed $26.71 $0 0 0% -243,000 -7,311 0    Medical Instruments &...
   (VNO)1 Year Chart         VNO Vornado Realty Trust 546 Closed $38.88 $0 0 0% -218,000 -7,593 0    REIT - Diversified
   (ILMN)1 Year Chart         ILMN Illumina Inc 552 Closed $130.97 $0 0 0% -937,000 -6,823 0    Scientific & Technica...
   (SIRI)1 Year Chart         SIRI Sirius XM Radio Inc 545 Closed $27.38 $0 0 0% -122,000 -31,486 0    Broadcasting - Radio
   (RHI)1 Year Chart         RHI Robert Half International Inc 551 Closed $63.71 $0 0 0% -293,000 -3,697 0    Staffing & Outsourcin...
   (CMA)1 Year Chart         CMA Comerica Inc 544 Closed $59.70 $0 0 0% -239,000 -4,350 0    Domestic Regional Banks

      14 Records Found
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