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  Name: Cormorant Asset Management LLC
  City: BOSTON
  State: MA
  Zip: 02110
Achive data
  View Filing Period:
Portfolio Summary View Filing
  Filing Report Date : 2024-06-30
  Total Value : $1,719,396,000
  Total Value Change : $-550,345,000
  Securities Held Change : -9
All Securities Held : 47
  New Positions : 8
  Closed Positions : 17
  Increased Positions : 11
  Unchanged Positions : 17
  Decreased Positions : 11

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Holdings Found : 11     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  Decreased Positions     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (ACLX)1 Year Chart         ACLX Arcellx, Inc. 3 - $0.00 $84,165,000 1,525,000 4.9% -39,634,000 -255,000 2.837    N/A
   (LBPH)1 Year Chart         LBPH Longboard Pharmaceuticals, ... 5 - $0.00 $75,426,000 2,790,462 4.39% 2,998,000 -562,679 7.173    N/A
   (BBIO)1 Year Chart         BBIO Bridgebio Pharma, Inc. 10 - $25.96 $47,072,000 1,858,351 2.74% -51,966,000 -1,344,678 1.068    N/A
   (PRAX)1 Year Chart         PRAX Praxis Precision Medicines,... 17 - $0.00 $28,332,000 685,000 1.65% -51,604,000 -625,000 1.308    N/A
   (PHVS)1 Year Chart         PHVS Pharvaris N V Ord Shs 21 - $0.00 $27,569,000 1,466,460 1.6% -11,983,000 -245,000 0.354    N/A
   (RYTM)1 Year Chart         RYTM Rhythm Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 25 - $53.64 $19,504,000 475,000 1.13% -4,328,000 -75,000 0.67    N/A
   (TARS)1 Year Chart         TARS Tarsus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 31 - $0.00 $13,590,000 500,000 0.79% -64,166,000 -1,639,102 1.185    N/A
   (KRRO)1 Year Chart         KRRO Korro Bio 35 - $0.00 $9,004,000 265,826 0.52% -38,621,000 -263,344 0.79    N/A
   (IDYA)1 Year Chart         IDYA Ideaya Biosciences, Inc. 36 - $0.00 $8,602,000 245,000 0.5% -11,144,000 -205,000 0.29    N/A
   (NGNE)1 Year Chart         NGNE Neurogene 41 - $3.68 $3,906,000 107,344 0.23% -23,515,000 -431,370 0.256    N/A
   (CMPX)1 Year Chart         CMPX Compass Therapeutics Ord Shs 43 - $0.00 $2,031,000 2,030,823 0.12% -8,978,000 -3,529,477 2.072    N/A

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