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  Name: Troy Asset Management Ltd
  City: LONDON
  State: X0
  Zip: W1K 4BP
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  View Filing Period:
Portfolio Summary View Filing
  Filing Report Date : 2024-06-30
  Total Value : $3,009,929,000
  Total Value Change : $-218,567,000
  Securities Held Change : 0
All Securities Held : 31
  New Positions : 3
  Closed Positions : 3
  Increased Positions : 3
  Unchanged Positions : 3
  Decreased Positions : 22

                  Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Financials Health Care Industrials Information Technology Basic Materials Conglomerates Energy Utilities
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Holdings Found : 33     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  ALL     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (V)1 Year Chart         V Visa Inc 1 - $288.48 $412,083,000 1,570,019 13.69% -30,489,000 -15,806 0.093    Business Services
   (MSFT)1 Year Chart         MSFT Microsoft Corp 2 - $430.81 $411,480,000 920,640 13.67% 14,412,000 -23,143 0.012    Application Software
   (GOOGL)1 Year Chart         GOOGL Alphabet Inc 3 - $159.81 $362,333,000 1,989,203 12.04% 57,008,000 -33,754 0.033    Search Engines & Info...
   (PG)1 Year Chart         PG Procter & Gamble Co 4 - $173.92 $191,893,000 1,163,552 6.38% -56,058,000 -364,653 0.047    Cleaning Products
   (AXP)1 Year Chart         AXP American Express Co 5 - $262.18 $188,412,000 813,700 6.26% -3,953,000 -31,156 0.101    Credit Services
   (PAYX)1 Year Chart         PAYX Paychex Inc 6 - $132.50 $126,002,000 1,062,769 4.19% -19,061,000 -118,525 0.296    Staffing & Outsourcin...
   (A)1 Year Chart         A Agilent Technologies Inc 7 - $139.01 $124,488,000 960,332 4.14% -27,701,000 -85,567 0.311    Scientific & Technica...
   (CME)1 Year Chart         CME CME Group Inc 8 - $216.30 $115,580,000 587,896 3.84% -23,107,000 -56,290 0.164    Business Services
   (VRSN)1 Year Chart         VRSN Verisign Inc 9 New $179.27 $109,040,000 613,276 3.62% 109,040,000 613,276 0.537    Internet Software & S...
   (CB)1 Year Chart         CB Chubb Ltd (ACE Ltd) 10 New $289.18 $106,975,000 419,380 3.55% 106,975,000 419,380 0.093    Property & Casualty I...
   (MDT)1 Year Chart         MDT Medtronic Plc 11 New $88.13 $85,440,000 1,085,502 2.84% 85,440,000 1,085,502 0.081    Medical Appliances & ...
   (MCO)1 Year Chart         MCO Moodys Corp 12 - $484.67 $78,541,000 186,589 2.61% 4,942,000 -672 0.099    Business Services
   (PEP)1 Year Chart         PEP Pepsico Inc 13 - $175.21 $71,985,000 436,457 2.39% -12,037,000 -43,639 0.032    Beverage Soft Drinks...
   (ADP)1 Year Chart         ADP Automatic Data Processing Inc 14 - $275.91 $61,322,000 256,912 2.04% -17,128,000 -57,214 0.06    Business Software & S...
   (PM)1 Year Chart         PM Philip Morris International... 15 - $120.96 $57,710,000 569,529 1.92% -1,423,000 -75,889 0.037    Cigarettes & Other To...
   (MA)1 Year Chart         MA MasterCard Inc A 16 - $494.76 $54,798,000 124,214 1.82% -4,629,000 811 0.013    Business Services
   (META)1 Year Chart         META Meta Platforms Inc 17 - $537.95 $48,591,000 96,368 1.61% 1,507,000 -596 0.004    Internet Service Prov...
   (CSCO)1 Year Chart         CSCO Cisco Systems Inc 18 - $50.57 $40,811,000 858,996 1.36% -7,802,000 -115,025 0.02    Networking & Communic...
   (FISV)1 Year Chart         FISV Fiserv Inc 19 - $175.23 $39,683,000 266,257 1.32% -2,870,000 0 0.04    Business Software & S...
   (TXN)1 Year Chart         TXN Texas Instruments Inc 20 - $200.71 $38,525,000 198,040 1.28% -839,000 -27,915 0.022    Semiconductor- Broad...
   (MCD)1 Year Chart         MCD McDonalds Corp 21 - $292.03 $37,597,000 147,532 1.25% -9,500,000 -19,509 0.02    Restaurants
   (BKNG)1 Year Chart         BKNG Booking Holdings Inc 22 - $4,028.30 $32,449,000 8,191 1.08% 3,379,000 178 0.017    Internet Software & S...
   (JNJ)1 Year Chart         JNJ Johnson & Johnson 23 - $166.15 $29,763,000 203,630 0.99% -6,856,000 -27,858 0.008    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (ADBE)1 Year Chart         ADBE Adobe Systems Inc 24 - $508.13 $28,069,000 50,526 0.93% 11,841,000 18,366 0.011    Application Software
   (ACN)1 Year Chart         ACN Accenture Plc 25 - $336.18 $28,048,000 92,442 0.93% -7,935,000 -11,373 0.015    Management Services
   (KVUE)1 Year Chart         KVUE Kenvue Inc. 26 - $23.19 $27,787,000 1,528,455 0.92% -9,906,000 -227,974 0.08    N/A
   (INTU)1 Year Chart         INTU Intuit Inc 27 - $633.07 $26,865,000 40,877 0.89% 295,000 0 0.016    Application Software
   (PYPL)1 Year Chart         PYPL Paypal Holdings, Inc. 28 - $73.12 $20,742,000 357,434 0.69% -3,506,000 -4,530 0.031    N/A
   (HSY)1 Year Chart         HSY Hershey Foods Corp 29 - $197.63 $20,290,000 110,371 0.67% -4,250,000 -15,799 0.075    Confectioners
   (SPGI)1 Year Chart         SPGI S&P Global Inc 30 - $519.52 $17,899,000 40,132 0.59% 825,000 0 0.012    Publishing
   (TTWO)1 Year Chart         TTWO Take-Two Interactive 31 - $153.33 $14,728,000 94,718 0.49% 125,000 -3,625 0.057    Technical & System So...
   (BDX)1 Year Chart         BDX Becton Dickinson & Co 34 Closed $231.59 $0 0 0% -216,504,000 -874,942 0    Medical Instruments &...
   (FAST)1 Year Chart         FAST Fastenal Co 32 Closed $70.47 $0 0 0% -38,244,000 -495,772 0    Home Improvement Stores

      33 Records Found
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