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  Filing Report Date : 2024-06-30
  Total Value : $2,752,884,000
  Total Value Change : $-408,835,000
  Securities Held Change : 9
All Securities Held : 78
  New Positions : 17
  Closed Positions : 9
  Increased Positions : 16
  Unchanged Positions : 5
  Decreased Positions : 40

                  Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Financials Health Care Industrials Information Technology Basic Materials Conglomerates Energy Utilities
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Holdings Found : 40     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  Decreased Positions     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (MRK)1 Year Chart         MRK Merck & Co Inc 1 - $118.64 $207,445,000 1,675,646 7.54% -41,849,000 -213,659 0.066    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (ORCL)1 Year Chart         ORCL Oracle Corp 2 - $164.53 $176,791,000 1,252,060 6.42% -29,195,000 -387,827 0.042    Application Software
   (AMZN)1 Year Chart         AMZN Inc 3 - $186.43 $151,159,000 782,196 5.49% 826,000 -51,228 0.008    Internet Software & S...
   (MSFT)1 Year Chart         MSFT Microsoft Corp 4 - $430.81 $126,934,000 284,001 4.61% -51,809,000 -140,850 0.004    Application Software
   (ABX)1 Year Chart         ABX Barrick Gold Corp (USA) 5 - $20.06 $124,871,000 7,486,288 4.54% -19,974,000 -1,218,335 0.421    Gold
   (AEP)1 Year Chart         AEP American Electric Power Co Inc 6 - $103.22 $120,076,000 1,368,543 4.36% -16,850,000 -221,768 0.276    Electric Utilities
   (ABC)1 Year Chart         ABC AmerisourceBergen Corp 8 - $228.48 $109,744,000 487,101 3.99% -10,018,000 -5,768 0.239    Drugs Wholesale
   (OXY)1 Year Chart         OXY Occidental Petroleum Corp 9 - $51.75 $103,819,000 1,647,144 3.77% -46,949,000 -672,725 0.177    Independent Oil & Gas
   (QCOM)1 Year Chart         QCOM QUALCOMM Inc 10 - $168.30 $99,481,000 499,453 3.61% 341,000 -86,137 0.044    Communication Equipment
   (FMX)1 Year Chart         FMX Fomento Economico Mexicano ... 11 - $102.08 $98,365,000 913,752 3.57% -24,804,000 -31,739 0.255    Beverage - Brewers
   (NTR)1 Year Chart         NTR Nutrien Ltd 14 - $46.82 $78,631,000 1,544,505 2.86% -32,470,000 -501,174 0.271    N/A
   (ITUB)1 Year Chart         ITUB Banco Itau Holding Financei... 20 - $6.73 $63,712,000 10,909,651 2.31% -31,119,000 -2,774,445 0.112    Foreign Money Center ...
   (VRTX)1 Year Chart         VRTX Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc 21 - $474.16 $59,666,000 127,295 2.17% -18,517,000 -62,105 0.049    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (FYBR)1 Year Chart         FYBR Frontier Communications Corp 24 - $35.35 $57,356,000 2,190,845 2.08% -16,206,000 -811,678 0.775    Telecom Services - Do...
   (AEM)1 Year Chart         AEM Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd (USA) 25 - $81.29 $57,105,000 873,167 2.07% -3,550,000 -143,683 0.192    Gold
   (LOW)1 Year Chart         LOW Lowes Companies Inc 26 - $256.63 $56,373,000 255,704 2.05% -28,224,000 -76,402 0.034    Home Improvement Stores
   (BIDU)1 Year Chart         BIDU Baidu Inc 27 - $84.67 $53,249,000 615,732 1.93% -60,648,000 -466,121 0.226    Internet Service Prov...
   (IBKR)1 Year Chart         IBKR Interactive Brokers Group Inc 29 - $113.50 $30,084,000 245,387 1.09% -3,242,000 -52,935 0.239    Investment Brokerage ...
   (KO)1 Year Chart         KO Coca-Cola Co 31 - $71.75 $15,673,000 246,242 0.57% 566,000 -691 0.006    Beverage Soft Drinks...
   (AMAT)1 Year Chart         AMAT Applied Materials Inc 33 - $186.14 $14,926,000 63,250 0.54% -39,915,000 -202,671 0.007    Semiconductor Equipme...
   (LYB)1 Year Chart         LYB LyondellBasell Industries N.V. 34 - $93.94 $12,308,000 128,661 0.45% -67,756,000 -654,135 0.039    Specialty Chemicals
   (MU)1 Year Chart         MU Micron Technology Inc 36 - $87.35 $9,634,000 73,248 0.35% -63,387,000 -546,154 0.007    Semiconductor - Memor...
   (ROKU)1 Year Chart         ROKU Roku, Inc 37 - $77.36 $9,628,000 160,659 0.35% -13,789,000 -198,669 0.147    N/A
   (ASAI)1 Year Chart         ASAI Sendas Distribuidora Adr 38 - $8.02 $9,321,000 1,002,298 0.34% -7,889,000 -162,119 1.114    N/A
   (OTIS)1 Year Chart         OTIS Otis Worldwide Corp 39 - $93.99 $8,228,000 85,472 0.3% -290,000 -338 0.02    N/A
   (VLRS)1 Year Chart         VLRS Volaris Aviation Holding 40 - $6.73 $5,679,000 892,895 0.21% -7,915,000 -939,214 0.099    N/A
   (BAH)1 Year Chart         BAH Booz Allen Hamilton Holding... 41 - $154.51 $5,480,000 35,605 0.2% -1,500,000 -11,415 0.026    Management Services
   (COMP)1 Year Chart         COMP Compass, Inc. 43 - $0.00 $2,175,000 604,091 0.08% -10,785,000 -2,995,842 0    N/A
   (SUZBY)1 Year Chart         SUZBY Suzano Papel E Celulose SA 44 - $9.65 $1,470,000 143,130 0.05% -2,362,000 -156,718 0.159    N/A
   (TCOM)1 Year Chart         TCOM Group Ltd 47 - $46.70 $514,000 10,933 0.02% -7,728,000 -176,857 0.002    Gambling/Resorts
   (NU)1 Year Chart         NU Nu Holdings Ord Shs Class A 50 - $0.00 $219,000 16,944 0.01% -48,000 -5,434 0    N/A
   (AMPL)1 Year Chart         AMPL Amplitude, Inc. 58 - $0.00 $74,000 8,330 0% -21,000 -404 0.012    N/A
   (JCI)1 Year Chart         JCI Johnson Controls Internatio... 59 - $72.77 $73,000 1,101 0% -23,505,000 -359,867 0    Conglomerates
   (AMPS)1 Year Chart         AMPS Altus Power Ord Shs Class A 60 - $3.29 $57,000 14,597 0% -111,000 -20,601 0.01    N/A
   (SEMR)1 Year Chart         SEMR Semrush Holdings, Inc. 65 - $0.00 $34,000 2,576 0% -62,000 -4,688 0.002    N/A
   (GDXJ)1 Year Chart         GDXJ Market Vectors Junior Gold ... 68 - $47.58 $31,000 730 0% -79,000 -2,147 0.001    Closed - End Fund - Debt
   (GE)1 Year Chart         GE General Electric Co 70 - $183.55 $29,000 185 0% -2,000 -25 0    Conglomerates
   (ETN)1 Year Chart         ETN Eaton Corp 69 - $314.65 $29,000 92 0% -41,000 -131 0    Diversified Machinery
   (SHLS)1 Year Chart         SHLS Shoals Technologies Group, ... 72 - $0.00 $22,000 3,588 0% -40,000 -1,205 0.002    N/A
   (BX)1 Year Chart         BX Blackstone Group LP 75 - $120.62 $13,000 737 0% -141,000 -448 0    Asset Management

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