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  Name: Stordahl Capital Management Inc.
  City: Greenwood Village
  State: CO
  Zip: 80111
Achive data
  View Filing Period:
Portfolio Summary View Filing
  Filing Report Date : 2024-06-30
  Total Value : $399,642,000
  Total Value Change : $691,000
  Securities Held Change : 1
All Securities Held : 51
  New Positions : 1
  Closed Positions : 0
  Increased Positions : 15
  Unchanged Positions : 10
  Decreased Positions : 25

                  Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Financials Health Care Industrials Information Technology Basic Materials Conglomerates Energy Utilities
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Holdings Found : 10     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  Unchanged Positions     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (MSFT)1 Year Chart         MSFT Microsoft Corp 21 - $430.81 $1,565,000 3,502 0.39% 92,000 0 0    Application Software
   (AAPL)1 Year Chart         AAPL Apple Inc 26 - $220.69 $947,000 4,497 0.24% 176,000 0 0    Personal Computers
   (BLV)1 Year Chart         BLV Vanguard Long-Term Bond ETF 30 - $75.84 $731,000 10,404 0.18% -22,000 0 0.016    Closed - End Fund - Debt
   (AMZN)1 Year Chart         AMZN Inc 34 - $186.43 $534,000 2,763 0.13% 36,000 0 0    Internet Software & S...
   (SCHM)1 Year Chart         SCHM Schwab U.S. Mid-Cap Etf 35 - $81.72 $514,000 6,603 0.13% -24,000 0 0.005    N/A
   (COST)1 Year Chart         COST Costco Wholesale Corp 41 - $892.52 $370,000 435 0.09% 51,000 0 0    Discount, Variety Stores
   (WMT)1 Year Chart         WMT Wal-Mart Stores Inc 42 - $60.24 $359,000 5,302 0.09% 40,000 0 0    Discount, Variety Stores
   (LLY)1 Year Chart         LLY Eli Lilly & Co 44 - $904.97 $317,000 350 0.08% 45,000 0 0    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (SCHA)1 Year Chart         SCHA Schwab Strategic Trust 46 - $50.99 $304,000 6,411 0.08% -12,000 0 0    Closed - End Fund - Debt
   (IVV)1 Year Chart         IVV iShares Core S&P 500 Etf 50 - $564.51 $215,000 392 0.05% 9,000 0 0    Closed - End Fund - E...

      10 Records Found
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