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  State: CA
  Zip: 913677584
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Portfolio Summary View Filing
  Filing Report Date : 2018-09-30
  Total Value : $122,254,000
  Total Value Change : $7,867,000
  Securities Held Change : -6
All Securities Held : 13
  New Positions : 4
  Closed Positions : 7
  Increased Positions : 3
  Unchanged Positions : 2
  Decreased Positions : 4

                  Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Financials Health Care Industrials Information Technology Basic Materials Conglomerates Energy Utilities
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Holdings Found : 16     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  ALL     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (CLR)1 Year Chart         CLR Continental Resources Inc 1 - $74.24 $6,828,000 100,000 5.59% 3,590,000 50,000 0.027    Oil & Gas Drilling & ...
   (CHK)1 Year Chart         CHK Chesapeake Energy Corp 2 - $74.51 $28,060 6,250 4.59% 372,000 1,250 0.138    Independent Oil & Gas
   (BATL)1 Year Chart         BATL Battalion Oil Corp 3 - $3.05 $5,587,000 1,250,000 4.57% -888,000 -225,000 0.762    Oil & Gas Drilling & ...
   (GSAT)1 Year Chart         GSAT Globalstar, Inc. 4 - $1.19 $2,869,000 5,625,461 2.35% -560,000 -1,374,539 0.474    Wireless Communications
   (OCN)1 Year Chart         OCN Ocwen Financial Corp 5 - $29.12 $174,133 44,190 2.14% -1,616,000 -26,987 0.507    Savings & Loans
   (AMPY)1 Year Chart         AMPY Amplify Energy Ord Shs 6 - $6.64 $2,289,000 256,916 1.87% -994,000 15,663 1.024    Independent Oil & Gas
   (UPL)1 Year Chart         UPL Ultra Petroleum Corp 7 - $0.01 $1,904,000 1,700,000 1.56% -2,023,000 0 0.866    Independent Oil & Gas
   (CPE)1 Year Chart         CPE Callon Petroleum Co 8 - $35.76 $179,800 15,000 1.47% -350,000 -5,000 0.054    Independent Oil & Gas
   (META)1 Year Chart         META Meta Platforms Inc 9 New $537.95 $1,645,000 10,000 1.35% 1,645,000 10,000 0    Internet Service Prov...
   (FANG)1 Year Chart         FANG Diamondback Energy, Inc. 12 Closed $178.12 $0 0 0% -1,316,000 -10,000 0    Independent Oil & Gas
   (FLNT)1 Year Chart         FLNT Fluent Inc 11 Closed $2.62 $0 0 0% -1,470,000 -100,000 0    Advertising Agencies
   (UNIT)1 Year Chart         UNIT Uniti Group Inc 10 Closed $5.23 $0 0 0% -1,002,000 -50,000 0    N/A
   (AMLP)1 Year Chart         AMLP Alerian MLP ETF 16 Closed $4.60 $0 0 0% -5,075,000 -500,000 0    Closed - End Fund - Debt
   (BKD)1 Year Chart         BKD Brookdale Senior Living Inc. 15 Closed $6.75 $0 0 0% -3,182,000 -350,000 0    Long-Term Care Facili...
   (KEG)1 Year Chart         KEG Key Energy Services Inc 14 Closed $0.10 $0 0 0% -812,000 -50,000 0    Oil & Gas Drilling & ...
   (SD)1 Year Chart         SD Sandridge Energy Inc 13 Closed $12.22 $0 0 0% -8,253,000 -465,200 0    Oil & Gas Drilling & ...

      16 Records Found
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