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  City: NEW YORK
  State: NY
  Zip: 10022
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Portfolio Summary View Filing
  Filing Report Date : 2014-12-31
  Total Value : $14,683,000
  Total Value Change : $-7,944,000
  Securities Held Change : 4
All Securities Held : 16
  New Positions : 12
  Closed Positions : 8
  Increased Positions : 2
  Unchanged Positions : 1
  Decreased Positions : 1

                  Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Financials Health Care Industrials Information Technology Basic Materials Conglomerates Energy Utilities
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Holdings Found : 24     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  ALL     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (INXN)1 Year Chart         INXN Interxion Holding NV Ordina... 1 - $77.41 $2,324,000 85,000 15.83% -462,000 -15,600 0.124    Internet Service Prov...
   (GOOG)1 Year Chart         GOOG Alphabet Inc 2 New $160.81 $1,316,000 2,500 8.96% 1,316,000 2,500 0    Search Engines & Info...
   (AGU)1 Year Chart         AGU Agrium Inc (USA) 3 New $0.00 $1,184,000 12,500 8.06% 1,184,000 12,500 0.009    Agricultural & Fertil...
   (DATA)1 Year Chart         DATA Tableau Software Inc 4 New $169.53 $1,060,000 12,500 7.22% 1,060,000 12,500 0.021    Application Software
   (WWAV)1 Year Chart         WWAV Whitewave Foods Co 5 New $0.00 $962,000 27,500 6.55% 962,000 27,500 0.016    Food - Major Diversified
   (CHMT)1 Year Chart         CHMT Chemtura Corporation 6 - $0.00 $946,000 38,265 6.44% 129,000 3,265 0.04    Specialty Chemicals
   (ZTS)1 Year Chart         ZTS Zoetis Inc. 7 New $196.48 $861,000 20,000 5.86% 861,000 20,000 0.004    Drugs - Generic
   (NAV)1 Year Chart         NAV Navistar International Corp 8 New $44.50 $860,000 25,700 5.86% 860,000 25,700 0.026    Trucks & Other Vehicles
   (ALLY)1 Year Chart         ALLY Ally Financial Inc 9 New $34.05 $827,000 35,000 5.63% 827,000 35,000 0.007    Mortgage Investment
   (GNC)1 Year Chart         GNC GNC Acquisition Holdings Inc 10 New $0.06 $777,000 16,536 5.29% 777,000 16,536 0.017    Drug Stores
   (IPAR)1 Year Chart         IPAR Inter Parfums Inc 11 New $118.88 $758,000 27,600 5.16% 758,000 27,600 0.09    Personal Products
   (VIAB)1 Year Chart         VIAB Viacom Inc 12 - $24.22 $753,000 10,000 5.13% -16,000 0 0.002    Entertainment - Diver...
   (GRUB)1 Year Chart         GRUB GrubHub Inc 13 New $2.75 $726,000 20,000 4.94% 726,000 20,000 0.019    N/A
   (SUNE)1 Year Chart         SUNE Sunedison Inc 14 - $0.00 $683,000 35,000 4.65% 211,000 10,000 0.01    Semiconductor - Integ...
   (ALV)1 Year Chart         ALV Autoliv Inc 15 New $114.83 $392,000 3,697 2.67% 392,000 3,697 0.004    Auto Parts
   (AMAT)1 Year Chart         AMAT Applied Materials Inc 16 New $186.14 $254,000 10,200 1.73% 254,000 10,200 0.001    Semiconductor Equipme...
   (EL)1 Year Chart         EL Estee Lauder Companies Inc 21 Closed $147.36 $0 0 0% -4,546,000 -60,887 0    Personal Products
   (KMI)1 Year Chart         KMI Kinder Morgan Inc 20 Closed $21.61 $0 0 0% -1,169,000 -30,500 0    Gas Utilities
   (BGS)1 Year Chart         BGS B&G Foods Inc 22 Closed $9.22 $0 0 0% -1,659,000 -60,200 0    Processed & Packaged ...
   (ETP)1 Year Chart         ETP Energy Transfer Partners LP 23 Closed $0.00 $0 0 0% -793,000 -12,400 0    Oil & Gas Refining, P...
   (AIG)1 Year Chart         AIG American International Grou... 17 Closed $73.30 $0 0 0% -1,486,000 -27,500 0    Property & Casualty I...
   (UPL)1 Year Chart         UPL Ultra Petroleum Corp 24 Closed $0.01 $0 0 0% -1,163,000 -50,000 0    Independent Oil & Gas
   (CVC)1 Year Chart         CVC Cablevision Systems Corp 18 Closed $0.00 $0 0 0% -4,374,000 -249,800 0    CATV Systems
   (DBD)1 Year Chart         DBD Diebold Nixdorf Inc 19 Closed $0.02 $0 0 0% -2,593,000 -73,400 0    Computer Based Systems

      24 Records Found
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