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Portfolio Summary View Filing
  Filing Report Date : 2024-06-30
  Total Value : $11,827,034,000
  Total Value Change : $203,459,000
  Securities Held Change : 0
All Securities Held : 19
  New Positions : 3
  Closed Positions : 3
  Increased Positions : 3
  Unchanged Positions : 7
  Decreased Positions : 6

                  Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Financials Health Care Industrials Information Technology Basic Materials Conglomerates Energy Utilities
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Holdings Found : 22     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  ALL     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (CNA)1 Year Chart         CNA CNA Financial Corp 1 - $50.08 $11,444,467,000 248,414,738 96.77% 161,470,000 0 91.443    Property & Casualty I...
   (HBI)1 Year Chart         HBI Hanesbrands Inc. 2 - $6.85 $143,945,000 29,197,796 1.22% 62,793,000 15,206,007 8.386    Textile - Apparel Clo...
   (ARW)1 Year Chart         ARW Arrow Electronics Inc 3 - $129.57 $24,152,000 200,000 0.2% -1,740,000 0 0.258    Electronics Wholesale
   (BERY)1 Year Chart         BERY Berry Plastics Group Inc 4 - $67.54 $23,893,000 406,000 0.2% -1,267,000 -10,000 0.306    Rubber & Plastics
   (INGR)1 Year Chart         INGR Ingredion Incorporated 5 - $135.70 $21,506,000 187,500 0.18% -696,000 -2,500 0.28    Processed & Packaged ...
   (APO)1 Year Chart         APO Apollo Global Management LLC 6 - $117.55 $20,072,000 170,000 0.17% 1,518,000 5,000 0.028    Diversified Investments
   (LYB)1 Year Chart         LYB LyondellBasell Industries N.V. 7 - $93.94 $19,802,000 207,000 0.17% -3,416,000 -20,000 0.062    Specialty Chemicals
   (LNG)1 Year Chart         LNG Cheniere Energy Inc 8 - $180.10 $19,231,000 110,000 0.16% 7,538,000 37,500 0.044    Oil & Gas Equipment &...
   (ALLY)1 Year Chart         ALLY Ally Financial Inc 9 - $34.05 $18,645,000 470,000 0.16% -432,000 0 0.126    Mortgage Investment
   (META)1 Year Chart         META Meta Platforms Inc 10 - $537.95 $17,648,000 35,000 0.15% 653,000 0 0.001    Internet Service Prov...
   (GM)1 Year Chart         GM General Motors Co 11 - $42.66 $13,938,000 300,000 0.12% -1,028,000 -30,000 0.021    Auto Manufacturers
   (QCOM)1 Year Chart         QCOM QUALCOMM Inc 12 New $168.30 $11,951,000 60,000 0.1% 11,951,000 60,000 0.005    Communication Equipment
   (GOOGL)1 Year Chart         GOOGL Alphabet Inc 13 - $159.81 $9,108,000 50,000 0.08% 1,561,000 0 0.001    Search Engines & Info...
   (CMCSA)1 Year Chart         CMCSA Comcast Corp 14 - $39.82 $8,615,000 220,000 0.07% -922,000 0 0.005    CATV Systems
   (TALO)1 Year Chart         TALO Talos Energy Inc. 15 New $11.33 $8,505,000 700,000 0.07% 8,505,000 700,000 0.389    N/A
   (HCA)1 Year Chart         HCA HCA Holdings Inc 16 - $399.89 $8,032,000 25,000 0.07% -9,478,000 -27,500 0.007    Hospitals
   (MRK)1 Year Chart         MRK Merck & Co Inc 17 - $118.64 $6,190,000 50,000 0.05% -8,325,000 -60,000 0.002    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (HEES)1 Year Chart         HEES H&E Equipment Services, Inc. 18 New $46.83 $5,742,000 130,000 0.05% 5,742,000 130,000 0.36    Industrial Equipment ...
   (VGZ)1 Year Chart         VGZ Vista Gold Corp 19 - $0.69 $1,592,000 3,424,217 0.01% -342,000 0 3.354    Gold
   (ORCL)1 Year Chart         ORCL Oracle Corp 21 Closed $164.53 $0 0 0% -6,281,000 -50,000 0    Application Software
   (COP)1 Year Chart         COP ConocoPhillips 20 Closed $108.62 $0 0 0% -7,637,000 -60,000 0    Integrated Oil & Gas
   (GS)1 Year Chart         GS Goldman Sachs Group Inc 22 Closed $484.58 $0 0 0% -16,708,000 -40,000 0    Investment Brokerage ...

      22 Records Found
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