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All Terms  


3m +/-: This represents the company's 3 month price change. The initial price is based on the closing price of the stock on the day the transaction took place. Purchases & sales are viewed as long & short positions respectively.

Tran. Date : Short for Transaction Date, This is date the transaction took place on, not the date the filing was filed with the sec. Typically the transaction is filed with the SEC within 10 days. J3SG reports this filing on our site 3-5 from when the filing was recieved by the SEC

Rank : Short for Form Rank. Our form ranking is based on 3 items. The declared position(s) held by of the insider, the amount of the transaction and whether the transaction was direct or indirect. The model is a based on historical findings within a two year period. This ranking is hardly enough to make any decisions. The rank does not take into the account the company itself, the insider's past performance or any other buying and selling done within that company. All this ranking does is give you a brief idea on whether or not this type of person and transaction faired well in the past.

Transaction Code Key: Insider Transactions are given a code that appreviates the transaction in each form by the insider. Below is a table of the appreviates and there meaning

B   - Buy AB - Automatic Buy    
S   - Sell AS - Automatic Sell    
OE - Options Exercised A   - Acquired    
IO - Initital Ownership D   - Disposed    

Ownership Code Key: Insider Transactions are given a code that appreviates the transaction's ownershipt. The ownership may be either Direct or Indirect. If Joe and Mary own an investment company buying shares in XYZ Corporation, they may each declare the share ownership as indirect. If Joe and Mary were married and only Joe owns the company, then Mary may file indirectly while Joe files directly

Market Capitalization: Insider Transactions are given a code that appreviates the transaction in each form by the insider. Below is a table of the appreviates and there meaning

Nano: Less than $50 Million Mid: $2 Billion To $10 Billion    
Micro: $50 to $300 Million Large: $10 Billion To $200 Billion    
Small: $300 Million to $2 Billion Giant: Greater Than $200 Billion    

Transaction Code Key: Insider Transactions are given a code that appreviates the transaction in each form by the insider. Below is a table of the appreviates and there meaning

Transaction Code Key: Insider Transactions are given a code that appreviates the transaction in each form by the insider. Below is a table of the appreviates and there meaning




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